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Plans for Holy Week?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 , Posted by jam at 4:10 PM

What are your plans for Holy Week? Are you going for a vacation? visit your relatives in province? Or spend it in beach resorts

This is gonna be a long weekend vacation, away from our deadlines, projects and work loads, who would not want to spend it? I'm pretty sure that resorts and beaches are gonna be crowded by vacationist by now, since it's our only way to have some time for relaxation and enjoyment.

However, the real reason for this event is already forgotten. We already forgot to practice the time to observe silence, to meditate through praying and to ask for forgiveness. The generation is very different from before as they say. Back then, every holy week we just stay at our house praying, we can't watch T.V. because there are no programs aired, the observance of holy week is very solemn. But now, we can go to every places that we want, and watch whatever shows we want. This is so true, we are embracing the modern world yet, we tend to set aside GOD.

All I am saying is that we can still go to beach any time of the year but not when holy week, let's give this time to think, to have peace in our heart and to remember the true meaning of this season.

Picture taken from:

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