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Surfing the waves of Siargao Islands

Friday, January 15, 2010 , Posted by jam at 5:04 PM

"The Surfing Capital of the Philippines"

Siargao Island is the home of the wave surfer, big waves formed from winds and currents of Pacific Ocean give them the thrill and excitement to perform extreme skating.

Not only the best place to practice and experience wave surfing but also one of the best tourist destination of the country. By having the largest mangrove forest, haven of different coral reefs and sea creatures, awesome people and delighting foods.

You can also find so many resorts and hotels here and try other activities like snorkeling, sight-seeing, riding a bangka to mangroves and witness the shows of the Siargao's tribal artist and performers.

Every year they also have the Siargao Cup competition, to give recognitions to surfers. I've never tried such extreme sport before but if given a chance I would love to experience it. They say that surfing is not that hard to do, and can be tried by anyone, just always be careful because surfing can also be a dangerous sports, so if you want to try it just be sure to take someone whose already professional of the sport.

(Picture taken from

Currently have 1 comments:

  1. Yeah right. surfing a good sport and also dangerous. well everything can be learned. if you don't know that much,eventually you will master it by practice.